Secrets of the Universal Sabbath

“For in six days YHWH made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore, YHWH blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy”.Exodus 20:11 Introduction The Sabbath day was practised and still is practised, by many worshippers of YHWH, ever since GodContinue reading “Secrets of the Universal Sabbath”

The Gervais Hypothesis: Evidence for God

A famous comedian, Ricky Gervais (who I personally admit, I do have an appreciation for), is one of the world’s most outspoken atheists. The reason I bring him up here, is nothing I have against him as an individual, but a statement he made in an interview I came across, where he was asked somethingContinue reading “The Gervais Hypothesis: Evidence for God”

Genesis & Earth Science

Introduction One of the biggest attacks against the Bible is criticism of Genesis. Most argue that it goes against established science, be it adherence to macroevolution, or merely trying to find fault with the order or length of Genesis. Therefore, because Genesis is seen as inaccurate according to measurable reality, then “it can’t be inspiredContinue reading “Genesis & Earth Science”

The Human Genome

Introduction When it comes to the debate between secular science and Christianity, a hot topic is often the book of Genesis and the claim that humanity is only roughly 6000 years old, whilst the secular world views humans as hundreds of thousands of years old. This is based largely off of evolutionary paradigm, and theContinue reading “The Human Genome”

Foreknown Scientific Facts in the Bible

A big reason that people do not always trust the Bible is because they feel it’s too old to be reliable and that it opposes modern science. However, many may not realise that the opposite is true. The Bible of course, is mainly for the purposes of spiritual and moral teaching, and was not writtenContinue reading “Foreknown Scientific Facts in the Bible”

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