The Destructive Nature of Pornography

“But I tell you that any man who stares at a woman and develops a desire [for] her, has committed adultery in his heart”.
Matthew 5:28


The viewing of pornography, the act of watching erotic videos or pictures, whether on the internet, in magazines, or other materials, has become an extremely common practice today amongst both men and women in larger society.

Understandably, the lure to engage in such entertainment is very tempting, as sexuality and desire is a natural thing, and sexual pleasure is something designed by God for humans to enjoy, both in physical sensation and visual appreciation of the opposite sex.

But with this gift God has given to mankind, also comes certain standards and rules in who and how we can share the sexual act with. This limit being to a man and woman in marriage.

There are of course some churches that go to the extreme end of their obsession with their views on so-called “sexual purity”, and make claims nowhere to be found in the holy scriptures, such as “sex is for procreation only”, or “sex should not be something to be enjoyed”, some even going as far to control what a husband and wife can and cannot do with one another in their own private bedroom affairs, or even claiming it is a sin to see each other naked.

Such extreme views and attitudes, have in fact damaged some young (and old) people in Christian congregations and communities, some growing up to be ashamed of sex, afraid of it, sexually fridged, or even viewing their own bodies as “unclean”. Whilst on the other end of the spectrum, many young people as a result of such extreme suppression on the topic, jump off the boat and lose complete control over their urges, and fall into a life of extreme immorality.

Clearly, the Bible does not make such claims, nor does it shame the act of sex, nor its enjoyment, rather, several verses say the opposite:

  • “Now, concerning those things that you wrote to me about [when you said]; ‘It’s best for a husband to not touch [his] wifeevery man should give his wife what she’s due, and every woman should do the same for her husband you shouldn’t deprive each other, except for set periods that you may agree on to devote time to prayer… Then you may come together again. No – don’t allow the Opposer to tempt you by your lack of self control”1 Corinthians 7:1, 3, 5
  • Pretty are both your breasts, O my sister and bride. They’re better than the finest of wines, and the scent of your clothes exceeds all perfumes. Your lips are like honey as it drips from the combHoney and milk are under your tongue, and like frankincense, is the smell of your clothes

    To which the Shulamite Girl replies; May the man whom I love enter his garden, and may he eat the fruit from its trees! ‘I’ve removed all of my underclothes, so now, must I put them back on? I’ve also washed off my feet… Must I run and get them dirty again?’Then my dearly-loved man stuck his hand through [my door], and he was aroused [by the touch of my skin]. So I got up and opened to him, as my hands were dripping with myrrh… My fingers dripped with myrrh on the lock…

    [He says]; Your navel is like a finely-shaped bowl, not lacking a mixture of wines. Your belly is like a mound of best grain, that’s wrapped within fields of lilies. ‘Your breasts are as [charming as] two young fawns… A pair of twins of the doe. Your neck is [like] a tower of ivoryIn greatness, you’re much like a palm tree, and your breasts are as [desirable as] clusters of grapes. So I said that I’d climb up that ‘palm tree, and to its top, I’d cling… The scent from your breath is [sweet] like apples; and [the taste] of your [mouth] is like the finest wine

    And the Shulamite Girl says: ‘O man whom I love, whom I’d grant to nurse at my mother’s breasts; If I found you outside, I’d kiss you, and let none ever be disrespectful. Yes, I’d come there and take you… I’d bring you to the house of my mother, and into the room where I was conceived, where I’d allow you to drink the spiced wine that comes from my pomegranate nectar“.Song of Solomon 4:10-11, 5:1-5, 7:2-3, 7-9, 8:1-2
  • Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love”.Proverbs 5:18-19 (Hebrew Version)

So sexuality isn’t in itself evil or wrong, the Bible itself as seen in Song of Songs, even is somewhat explicit when it comes to the notion of eroticism. However, sexuality can be wrongly expressed according to God’s scriptural standards. Pornography is one of these things.

Why Viewing Pornography is a Sin

The first and foremost thing to consider is our Father’s view of porn and the why’s.

Our God and Father Yah has limited sexual activity of all kinds, physically and visually, to be between married couples, those dedicated to each other exclusively in monogamy. This not only means sex itself, but all things associated, such as sexual behaviours, flirtation, visual enjoyment, and so on. 

We are told sternly in scripture:

  • Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral… adulterers…“.- 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
  • Now the works of the flesh are plainly seen, and they are sexual immorality, uncleanness, brazen conduct … wild parties, and things like these”. Galatians 5:19-21
  • Deaden, therefore, your body members that are on the earth as respects sexual immorality, uncleanness, uncontrolled sexual passion, hurtful desire, and greediness, which is idolatry. But now you must put them all away from you … obscene talk out of your mouth”. Colossians 3:5-10
  • Let sexual immorality and every sort of uncleanness or greediness not even be mentioned among you, just as is proper for holy people; neither shameful conduct nor foolish talking nor obscene jesting…“. – Ephesians 5:3-5

Biblically, when a couple has had sexual relations, they are typically viewed as a married couple in God’s eyes (with the exception some special cases, such as concubines in the Old Testament, but for all intents and purposes were still “treated” like wives), hence in ancient Hebrew culture, the act of marriage was merely announcing one had betrothed themselves to an individual, and to then take them home to “consummate” the marriage, and this was even morally and spiritually applied to prostitutes (1 Corinthians 6:16).

Of course, if a couple intentionally had sex without the intent of remaining as a comitted married couple, then this places them in the act of “forincation”, which is a sin.

Therefore, the viewing of a couple engaging in sex for the purposes of thrill or lust, would account as committing adultery in the heart, as Yeshua himself said:

  • “But I tell you that any man who stares at a woman and develops a desire [for] her, has committed adultery in his heart”.Matthew 5:28

This “desire” Yeshua speaks of, is of course not referring to finding someone physically or even sexually attractive, nor does it mean it’s wrong to look at someone and take interest because they are attractive. It is natural to notice and even admire these things in others, but Yeshua harkens back to the original 10 Commandments, in regard to the law of coveting or “desiring to own” something that isn’t yours

On this basis, watching pornographic material of a couple having sex for our own sexual entertainment, could very well be likened to coveting or wrongly making someone the object of desire.

But of course, does this count if the pornographic material only involves one person? Who isn’t married? Afterall, one can’t commit adultery with a person not married. So are pornographic materials depicting single people acceptable in this case?

Well, though a single person is certainly free to be “visually admired”, and no sexual intercourse is involved in merely viewing them, it would certainly still count as a form of “unclean and immoral conduct” as Paul puts it, a form of “porneia”, which was a Greek term referring to the acts of prostitution and promiscuity, which did not only consist of paid fornication but of all kinds of illicit sexualised entertainment, and this word is, as one might guess, the root of where the modern term “porn” comes from.

We should take note that if scripture tells us that mere jesting or “obscene talk” between individuals not married or devoted to the path of marriage is disapproved of, then even more so would be viewing sexualised entertainment involving other people, whether they be single or not.

4202 porneía (the root of the English terms “pornography, pornographic”; cf. 4205 /pórnos) which is derived from pernaō, “to sell off”) – properly, a selling off (surrendering) of sexual purity; promiscuity of any (every) type”. – HELPS Word-studies

Thus, though no adultery is involved, it would still be a form of sexual immorality, and as close one could get to virtual prostitution, or fornication, even if not strictly or technically engaging in the act of fornication.

But of course, it is one thing to say what we should and should not do, but another thing as to explain “why”. Is God being a kill joy? Or are this laws for our own good?

We first need to understand that above all, it revolves around moral cleanliness and God’s objective standards of right and wrong. But on a practical level, it cannot be denied that sexual immorality more often than not leads to harm, heartbreak, jealousy and disease. 

The viewing of porn is no different in this respect.

The Harms & Effects of Pornography

Many men and women become easily addicted to porn. As a result, it has been the cause of much physical and psychological damage both.

Health Concerns of Porn Use

For men specifically, it has been reported that some may suffer erectile dysfunction when doing the real act, or may suffer performance anxiety as a result of unrealistic expectations of sex, though not all studies are conclusive on this factor, but it has been seen that it may play a part at least a component of the condition.

“Natalie Finegood Goldberg, LMFT, CST, says that pornography can create unrealistic expectations of what sex should look like and what your partner should look like and be able to do.

For lots of people, she says, pornography can engender shame if they feel they are not living up to the standards of the actor.

Also, not to mention the piece where people can get any fantasy delivered to them through channels of pornography, rather than having to open up to their partner about what turns them on.”

Alexis Conason, PsyD, who practices in New York City, says she doesn’t think porn causes erectile dysfunction, but it’s important to look at how someone views pornography.

For example, compulsive porn viewing, or watching several scenes at once, or quickly switching from one scene to another, creates a lot of stimulation not typically experienced in real-life sexual encounters. This may create ED issues,” she says.

In addition, watching men in porn can create feelings of insecurity if men compare themselves to the actors, and this can lead to ED.” – Healthline

“Simply stated, growing numbers of physically healthy male porn users, including adolescents and men in their sexual prime, are struggling with various forms of sexual dysfunction—especially if/when they attempt to be sexual with a real-world partner. Numerous studies back this up, including a large-scale (more than 2,000 participants) study published in 2020. This study found:

-90% of men fast-forward to watch the most arousing pornographic scenes—i.e., the scenes most likely to be neurochemically rewarded with an intense dopamine and adrenaline rush.
-Heavy porn users take significantly longer than other men to reach orgasm with a real-world partner.
-23% of the men under age 35 (i.e., in their sexual prime) reported some level of ED when having sex with a real-world partner.
-The amount of porn a man watches is linked to ED.
-More porn equals more ED.
-Heavy porn use is also linked to dissatisfaction with real-world sex.
-20% of male porn users find that over time they need to watch more extreme porn to achieve their desired level of arousal“. – Psychology Today

In all sexes, it has been reported that those stuck in a cycle of porn addiction or regular watching, may suffer compulsive sexual behaviour, juvenilism, a drop in motivation, depression, general anxiety, and development of selfish traits. 

Promotion of Selfishness & Immortality

In addition, porn trains the mind to not be satisfied with a single partner, but trains the mind to keep seeking variety and excitement, promoting boredom with monogamy. This clearly is something against our God’s intended purposes, of which includes loyalty to one person in marriage, and causes havoc for anyone, religious or not, seeking to be satisfied with their one partner, resulting in relationship problems down the road.

“Rachel Anne Barr, a neuroscience PhD student and researcher at Canada’s Université Laval, says studies show people who regularly watch adult entertainment often develop damage to the prefrontal cortex, the brain region that controls morality, willpower and impulse control”. – Daily Mail

“In the long term, pornography seems to create sexual dysfunctions, especially the inability to achieve erection or orgasm with a real life partner. Marital quality and commitment to one’s romantic partner also appear to be compromised.

To try to explain these effects, some scientists have drawn parallels between porn consumption and substance abuse. Through evolutionary design, the brain is wired to respond to sexual stimulation with surges of dopamine. This neurotransmitter, most often associated with reward anticipation, also acts to program memories and information into the brain. This adaption means that when the body requires something, like food or sex, the brain remembers where to return to experience the same pleasure.

Instead of turning to a romantic partner for sexual gratification or fulfillment, habituated porn users instinctively reach for their phones and laptops when desire comes calling. Furthermore, unnaturally strong explosions of reward and pleasure evoke unnaturally strong degrees of habituation in the brain”. – The Conversation

“People who have watched online porn are more narcissistic than people who never have. People who are active online porn watchers are more narcissistic than people who no longer watch it. The more often a person watches porn online, the more narcissistic they tend to be…

Pornography online is certainly about personal pleasure. And one could imagine that selfish sex, in which one partner has no concern for the other’s pleasure, could be related to narcissism, too”. – Psychology Today

“A number of studies have also linked high sociosexuality (sex outside of relationships) and having a large number of sexual partners to certain antisocial traits in both men and women. For example, people high in sociosexuality tend to rate themselves lower in the traits of honesty, humility, and agreeableness. Additionally, sociosexuality has also been linked to a group of traits known collectively as the “dark triad,” namely psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism“. – Psychology Today

The mentality porn often fosters is that the opposite sex is but a tool for sexual gratification, and programs the automatic expectation in the mind that a person should be or will be showing, or positing explicit content of themselves online.

There is no denying that in our modern day society, especially on the internet, physically attractive people are more often than not expected to be posting porn of themselves somewhere on their platforms. Especially so if a person is a famous online personality.

Many modern girls for example, who are famous YouTubers, Streamers, Gamers, Models, Actors, and so on, have been either pressured into, or automatically expected by their audience, to be making sexually explict material on some level. And this expectation has embedded itself into the psyche of the great majority of today’s youth, where it is often the first thought that enters people’s heads, without any second consideration.

A quick internet search of any famous attractive woman, or online personalilty, will often reveal suggested search results such as; “Where can I find porn of this person?” “Do they post nudes?” and recomendations for certain explict websites (which I will not promote here on this platform). For example, one online personality was suggested to search her own name on the internet to see what the first result would be, and the results spoke for themselves.

Many different online celebrities and faces (predominantly female) have found to have the same results, and some have complained about hundreds if not thousands of online private messages they recieve, of viewers constantly begging them to start making porn.

This is in opposition to the social expectation that most people should and would retain their private dignity.

In the modern era, a person is no longer considered shameful, or strange if they begin to post explict material of themselves, but rather, it is ‘expected’, and a woman who doesn’t is often seen as strange, or prude, with many audiences even feeling “entitled” to seeing their favorite online celebrity naked or in sexual acts, an entitlement so common, that some women have been driven off of the internet by.

We can see, due to the normalisation of porn, how much it has now promoted the idea that if a person is physically attractive, their only purpose is to sexually entertain. With no consideration for who they are, what they do, what their standards are, or if they even want to be viewed in such a way.

Perhaps what is arguably worse, is that there is additional proof of the harms caused that most if not all porn sites in some way, even if claiming to be “clean” and “ethical”, promote sex trafficking, child abuse, rape and more, with the CEOs who make money from this industry being extremely corrupt. Other reports show that women are often drugged in order to do porn acts that they do not wish to partake in.

Some unfortunate people have also been victims of “revenge porn”, where exes upload nude, or otherwise erotic pictures of their former partners on the internet after breaking up with them, and with little to be done to stop it. Though fortunately, there are some ways victims can get them removed. Porn websites, however, serve to facilitate such acts with ease. And it can’t be always known that the material one is watching is actually consisting of such content, serving the propagation of spreading such victimisation

“MindGeek is the Montreal-based parent company of some of the biggest websites and companies in the porn industry, including *******, *******, and *******, and more, and has faced media and public scrutiny after the publication of an article in The New York Times in December 2020 that exposed nonconsensual content on MindGeek’s biggest site, *******.

As a result of the exposure of reported child exploitation and trafficking videos on *******, MindGeek announced dramatic site security changes in December 2020, including suspending all content from unverified users and prohibiting user video downloads from *******.

MindGeek has been criticized for appearing to make these changes not out of concern for victims of sexual abuse but in fear of losing Visa and Mastercards’ services…”. – Fight the New Drug

This is not to say that all people are forced into the porn industry, or even face abuse, but the fact of the matter is that the industry has always been innately corrupt, just as it always was in ancient times with the running of prostitution houses.

Whilst there will always be individuals who willingly engage in such acts, and even get enjoyment out of it, the larger overall consequences, mentally, physically and socially, have never been positive. Hence, Christians should not only think of how it affects themselves, how it offends God, but also how it affects our fellow man (Mark 12:31).

Our use of pornography serves to only promote it. As the saying goes “you vote with your money”, or in this case, “you vote with your bandwidth”.

Hurtful to Partners’ Sense of Worth

Reports have also shown that many (usually women, but there are some men who feel this way) are hurt when they their partners watch porn, as it often makes them feel inadequate in comparison.

“Young women who report that their romantic partners look at porn frequently are less happy in their relationships than women partnered with guys who more often abstain, new research finds.

The study bolsters some anecdotal evidence that men’s porn use can shake the self-esteem of their girlfriends or wives, though certainly not all couples have conflicts over pornography, said study researcher Destin Stewart, a clinical psychology intern at the University of Florida. Stewart decided to investigate the effect of porn on relationships after some of her clients revealed that they were struggling with the issue.

Discovering explicit material on a partner’s computer “made them feel like they were not good enough, like they could not measure up,” Stewart told LiveScience”. – LiveScience

Whether a person’s porn viewing is considered a betrayal of their partner in the viewer’s mind or not, even if it’s just “casual entertainment and not serious”, it is still often very hurtful to others, and though some may try to justify this act, it is an indication of a mind ruled by greed.

It is God’s intent that our spouse should be the be all, end all satisfactory solution and direction of all our sexual wants and fantasies (Proverbs 5).

A partner’s sexual needs, fantasies and satisfaction, should be directed toward their significant other, and if it isn’t in totality, then it would indicate that something is wrong on a deeper level. Either the partner isn’t getting all they desire from a partner sexually, the partner doesn’t turn them on in the way they should, they find other individuals more sexually attractive than their partner, or merely, they are bored with just having one individual to share sexual pleasure with.

A person can claim they love their partner and would never cheat or put anyone above them, but to then want a little “side entertainment” is completely opposed to such ideals. If there are needs not being met, then these things should be discussed openly and honestly.

If there comes a time where a partner feels they are are forced to satisfy their needs via masturbation (something which is actually never explicitly forbidden in the Bible, contrary to popular Christian belief) because their spouse is either too tired or not available to perform the act, the husband or wife should still be object of that individual’s mental and emotional desire, as opposed to it excusing the use of porn for stimulation. If imagery is required for a partner’s satisfaction in such a way, then the spouse should simply request that of their signifcant other, which would be far more loving and complimentary than to seek sexual gratification elsewhere, and it would remain in the bounds of God’s arrangement of marriage.

Pornography & Corruption of Society

As aforementioned, we have seen some of the affects that porn has had on many minds, the normalisation of seeing other people as mere sex objects, and the expectation for people to produce such material as some kind of social norm.

In general, humans do not feel comfortable exposing themselves to others, unless having intimacy or privacy.

Typically we do not go about sexualising ourselves, overtly speaking of sex or having it in public, yet the internet has created a disconnect between such depraved acts and “reality”. A woman on the internet exposed to thousands of men, often will cover herself up when a single person enters her room. But really, they are both one the same act.

A person being sexually overt in public, or in general out in the open, even amongst a crowd of willing people, would in general be regarded as depraved and animalistic. And people who watch others having sex are usually regarded as perverted voyeurs. 

But the internet and porn magazines create a blind spot to these inherent truths, as the screen or picture creates a “separation of reality”, as it is with fictional films that portray acting and fake violence, but the key difference is that the sexuality remains to be very real. The individual and the sex worker are only separated by a middle man; the device in which it is delivered. Porn is nothing less than a digital prostitution house.

Continual exposure, serves to desensitise the mind, and in response, ones attitude toward others sexually, and our overall moral standards change in turn. This is seen in all forms of entertainment in the modern day, where what was once considered pornographic in nature, is seen in t.v ads, billbords, movies, songs, and even music videos which are accessible to all ages.

Society has shifted from the overly prudish and extreme nature of 1800s Victorian conservatism, where a mere ankle was seen as sexual, to the ever decreasing moral standards which we see in our day, where it is now seen as a “immoral” or “patriarchally opressive” to shame individuals acting in manners openly sexual.

The Origins of Pornography Lies in Demonism

In times before technology, the first peoples to commit sexual immorality according to the Bible were the demons themselves, when they came down to materialise and have sex with women after developing immoral desires for them by watching them from above (Genesis 6:2, Jude 1:6), and after that, false religious customs and ritualistic traditions throughout various societies. 

In various temples of differing cultures throughout history such as Egypt, Canaan, Babylon, India, Greece, Rome, are statues, idols and paintings, depicting all kinds of sex acts, which were for the purposes of openly glorifying the act and as an act devotion to the gods of fertility.

It should be no wonder, thus, that the porn industry, whether from professional companies or amateur home performers, has caused so much harm in the world.

Modern technology has only made it easier to access immoral practices. Now each home can be a private prostitution room, due to the accessibility of porn. But we shoud never forget what it truly is and what it represents. The internet in this respect, has been abused to become a Satanic all seeing eye, a modern Tower of Babel where man has come together to succeed at his most darkest and lustful desires.

Therefore, we as true sons and daughters of God, do well not to imitate “those sons of god” (Genesis 6:2) who first sinned in such a way. By “looking upon the sons and daughters of men” of whom do not belong to us to look upon.

Pornography & Addiction

Addiction of course, is a difficult vice to overcome. One can avoid addiction in the first place by avoiding the watching of such content altogether, but rarely is such an ideal circumstance the case, all the more so in the modern world with such material so easily accessible, and with our so ever curious minds which constantly seek pleasure and instant gratification.

Those who begin down the path of watching erotic material, may be simply curious, some lonely, others perhaps seek to satisfy a longing or a craving they have for sexual pleasure, which in itself is not evil, but of course, should be directed toward an appropriate outlet.

But no matter the reasons for what starts a person down the path of porn addiction, once the habit forms, it can be as difficult as quitting any hardcore drug, and it is normal, if not expected to have relapses in one’s life, though a Christian should do their best to avoid it.

But as Apostle Paul says, the body wages war with the spirit within.

  • “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do. But what I hate, I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I admit that the law is good. In that case, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it”.Romans 7:15-17

Hence, in the fight against sinful inclinations, know that if your intent is pure, then you should have peace in relying upon God’s grace through Yeshua for salvation, which is not attained through the perfection of our works, but it is only “willful” sin which actually condemns us (Ephesians 2:8-9, Hebrews 10:26).

Therefore, if suffering from addiction, do not despair into thinking there is no hope for you, or that you are comitting unforgivable sin. But never try and use addiction, nor the grace of God, as an excuse to give into it.

In your fight, you can only do your personal utmost to not give into such temptations, and pray to God for help, pray not only for the help to resist the desires, but for inner conviction to “transform the mind” (Romans 12:2), in order to have no desire or temptation to even “resist” at all. And perhaps even to express this difficulty to a non-judgemental brother or sister you trust, and also ask others to pray for you (James 5:16).

A key to overcoming such addictions, is always striving to change our internal “desires” and “longings”.

For example, most of us do not watch or even think of seeking out child porn or bestiality porn, because such things are naturally repulsive to the great majority of us, and so we have no desire or temptation to resist at all in the first place.

Whilst it is natural to be attracted to the opposite sex of course, and it’s not quite the same as the ease of avoiding those other grotesque things aforementioned, it certainly teaches us a deeper truth of the matter… That it is or began as a form a ‘desire’ in one way or another, even when it comes to addiction to porn. It is because we have long fostered a mentality that it is “good and enjoyable” to watch something immoral, which allowed us to develop the addiction in the first place – as opposed to averting our eyes and refusing to indulge in such content.

And so we are to train ourselves not to say; “I like porn, but I resist watching it because it’s wrong”, but rather; “I don’t like porn and I don’t watch porn, because it’s wrong”.

  • “…We should hate what’s wicked and stick with the things that are good!”. Romans 12:9

Another consideration in aid of overcoming temptation and addiction, is the love of the other person engaged in it. As we have seen, porn harms those who watch it, and also those who engage in it. And so with our attitude toward it, we should always bear in mind its affects on others. But it is not only the physical and mental aspects, but the spiritual.

A person engaging in the performance or creation of porn, is living in sin, and is not repenting of their sins in the Lord. And so rather than watching their content and thereby supporting it and what they do, the righteous and loving thing to do is to pray for those people in the images or videos we become tempted to watch, that they may be saved and give up their sinful lifestyles.

By this, we will be made to think twice each time we come across pornography, that such a person is a potential son or daughter of God in an unsaved state, and if we love our neighbour, we won’t contribute to their unsaved state by encouraging it with our indulgence in consuming the contents of their acts.

  • …Treat younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters, with absolute purity“. – 1 Timothy 5:1-2

Positives & Benefits of Rejecting Pornography

As Christians, we are part of God’s family, and so we should be seeking to truly be “sons of God”, and hence should act like it, just as Yeshua did, who is our perfect role model of what a son of God should be. We are afterall “ambassadors for Yeshua” (2 Corinthians 5:20).

With following God’s advice, as we would expect, there are benefits bestowed. And by understanding these benefits, it can help give us even more motivation to cease the habit.

It is well documented that those who do not watch porn develop a higher maturity, self confidence, motivation, presence, and healither natural appreciation for the opposite sex. The opposite sex may even appear even more physically attractive to look upon due to no longer being desensitised, but not in a way of course that encourages lust or sexual objectification, but in a pure way.

You will notice a person’s personality more, establishing a better connection with the individual, rather than constantly looking at an attractive person and the first thing popping into your head being “I wonder what they look like naked, or how good they are in bed”.

There are also benefits in that potential partners will be more likely to be attracted to you in turn as a side effect of attaining the above mentioned benefits, as well as gaining the respect from the opposite sex, women especially, that you are not objectifying them. Those who are married will have happier and more wholesome relationships.

Also, one can be proud of not contributing to the industry of pornography by feeding it with attention, and not being a “part” of the vicious cycle which promotes the problem.

The ultimate benefit overall of course, is pleasing our Heavenly Father, and our Lord Yeshua.

Published by Proselyte of Yah

Arian-Christian Restorationist

2 thoughts on “The Destructive Nature of Pornography

  1. Hi Proselytiser of Yah, I just now read the answer you sent me on polygamy six months ago, over on discussthetruth. Thank you for sending me a copy of the work you’d done on that subject. I am still interested in discussing it further with you, but the DTT forum is not accepting new comments. -Vivi (Vintage) Email me?


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