
Whilst the Bible contains the words of God, details about his personality and nature, and instructions on our morals and salvation, the Bible also contains many passages which some people often become quite disturbed by, and as a result find it off-putting, shocking, angering, upsetting or faith damaging.

Examples of such scriptures where God appears to order his people, the Israelites, to commit genocide, verses describing slavery, or the deaths of children.

These scriptures are often used by people to compare ancient Judaism and Christianity, to other extremist religious or terror groups, arguing that worshippers of Yah have no moral high ground or justification to stand upon. That God is cruel, immoral, and not worthy of worship.

Even worse, some Christians, historically and in modern times, have even used such verses to justify their own heinous crimes, tainting the view of our faith in the eyes of many onlookers, pushing many of them into worshipping other gods, or even into agnosticism or atheism.

Understandably, and naturally, any humane person would find these Bible verses disturbing, for this is how God has made us, in his image (Genesis 1:27), and as a result all of us have a natural sense of right and wrong (Romans 2:14-15).

However, seeing that God is written in his inspired word, to be a God of love, wisdom, justice, and righteousness, it is important that these difficult subjects in scripture be tackled directly, openly and honestly, not hidden, or ran away from. So many other Christians avoid these subjects, which in turn only makes our faith look hypocritical, or something to be embarrassed over, which Yeshua tells us we should not be (Mark 8:38).

Therefore, in this series of articles, I will be writing up many apologetics, which will attempt to explore, understand, reason or explain these difficult subjects in the Bible, and the nature of our God.

Below you can find links to my articles on this series posted, or you can access the dropdown menu above on the main menu of the site.


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