About & FAQ


Hello and welcome!

On this website, I aim to help further spread the “Good News” of Yeshua the Anointed (Jesus Christ), the Son of God.

In addition to spreading the core Gospel of Yeshua, I also aim to openly and honestly share my personal studies of the Bible. In this, I will be sharing my personal views, studies, research and interpretations of various Bible teachings and doctrines.

I refer to myself as a “Proselyte of Yah (YHWH)”, as one who is no longer spiritually a Gentile or “man of the world”, but as someone who has converted to becoming a “spiritual Jew” and an adopted child of God by means of Lord Yeshua (Romans 2:29, Galatians 3:29, 1 John 5:1).

My aim is to help spread, defend and convince others of the True Faith and Gospel of Yeshua, which was given to him by our God and Father, Yah (John 7:16, John 17:1, 3).

The Good News

In this I wish firstly above all things to inform others of Yeshua’s life saving message, which is:

The offered hope of salvation and everlasting life to all humanity (John 11:25-26), reconciliation into God’s family (1 John 5:1, Galatians 3:26, 1 Timothy 2:3-6, Romans 5:10-21), and a place in his coming Kingdom of the “New Heaven and New Earth”, where those chosen will rule alongside God’s Son Yeshua, the dead will return to life, and evil and suffering will be no more (Revelation 5:9-10, 20:4-6, 12-14, 21:1-4, Isaiah 65:17-25).

All of which is being achieved through the death and resurrection of Yeshua, God’s Anointed Firstborn Son. Who we believe came down from Heaven as a mortal man in the flesh, into the bloodline of King David of Israel, by means of a virgin birth (Matthew 1:18-25, Galatians 4:4, John 8:56-58), to instruct us in the ways of righteousness, and to die in our place for our sins.

After which, he was raised from the dead and ascended back to Heaven (John 5:23-24, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, 20-22), and has thus become the mediator between humanity and God, ruling from Heaven as our King, Lord and High Priest (Hebrews 4:14, 1 Timothy 2:5, Luke 1:32-33).

If you are new to the Faith, please see “What must I do to be Saved?” and my other “Bible Teachings” articles for more information. Or, if you seek evidence to believe in the Christian faith, see my “Bible Evidence” articles, or links to my video playlists for more.

Statement of Personal Beliefs

In seeking the 1st Century Christian model, my aim to seek and teach authentic Christianity in the way it was practised in the beginning, following the philosophy of Restorationism.

For this reason, I will openly admit subscribing to some teachings that many mainstream churches will disagree with. My honest aim is to merely learn and then spread the Gospel in how I feel and understand is free of corruption and false teachings to the best of my ability, based upon my personal studies of the Bible, Theology and History (Acts 17:11).


My main core Christological belief is that God the Father Yah (YHWH) alone is the True God, and that Yeshua is his only-begotten subordinate Son, who was “uniquely-created” and “birthed” out of the Father as the beginning of his existence in Heaven, before the creation of the physical world. And that by through him, God created all things (John 17:3, John 8:57-58, Proverbs 8:22-25, 30, Colossians 1:15-16)

The Son then later descending to Earth, emptying himself completely of his former nature and becoming a 100% human, to then ascend back to Heaven as a “new immortal creation” after his bodily resurrection (Philippians 2:5-9, 1 Corinthians 15:47-49).

Church & Denomination

I do not represent any official church, denomination, organisation, or other institutionalised Christian group, but neither do I seek to personally attack or judge any such groups. In the same spirit, neither am I seeking to create a “new church”, “denomination” or “organisation”.

I believe it is important for Christians to gather in prayer, worship and study (Hebrews 10:25) and that they have an arrangement of spiritual Shepherds amongst them (Philippians 1:1), but I do not subscribe to the notion of an autocratically arranged congregation, nor to any teacher that claims to be unquestionable, nor to a congregation which claims to exclusively be “the only true church” (Matthew 23:8-21).

Instead, I believe in the independent autonomy and Postdenominational polity of every Christian congregation that seeks to worship in Spirit and Truth, as portrayed in scripture and early Christian history (Luke 9:49-50, John 4:20-21, Matthew 18:20, 2 Corinthians 13:5).

No man answers to me, and in turn I answer to no man. My only “creed” is Yeshua the Anointed One, and my “Church”, all genuine Christian individuals all over this world with whom I find mutual salvational agreement and unity (Galatians 3:27-28, 1 Corinthians 3:4-9,16, 1 Corinthians 1:9-16).

Authority & Teaching

I do not claim to be a prophet, messenger, mouthpiece, or in any other way to be “touched”, “inspired”, “gifted”, “used” or “blessed” by God. I merely pray, study, live by the Christian way, and share my thoughts with others. Should it be, however, that any conclusions or insights that I share ‘are’ gifted to me by God, then it is to Him I give praise and not my own faculties (Numbers 20:10-12), but without clear signs of evidence, I do not arrogantly presume (Deuteronomy 18:21-22, 1 Samuel 2:3).

Thus, I will always aim to be undogmatic in the things that I teach, and to state clearly that in the respect of Christian Freedom, anyone and everyone is free to either disagree or agree with my take on matters of Biblical ambiguity and subjective interpretations, just as others are free to have and teach their own interpretations.

Of Whom I will not Share Communion

Though I aim to live by Christian liberty and openness amongst my bretheren of differing opinions, I however must also state that in the spirit of Romans 16:17-18, Titus 3:10, 1 Corinthians 1:10-15, 1 Timothy 6:3-5, 1 John 2:18,21-22, 1 John 4:2 & 2 John 1:7-11, I will not help share, spread or otherwise entertain teachings, or share worship with other Christians whom I feel match the criteria of antichrists, sectarians, deceivers, false prophets, or malicious false teachers.

That is, those who knowingly teach others to disobey the direct commands of God or Yeshua, promote what I observe to be blatantly unchristian and anti-salvific teachings, who falsify prophecy, make themselves masters over their brothers, or otherwise exemplify conduct unbecoming of a loving Christian.

In this, I am forced to draw a hardline in being unable to share the Lord’s Supper, spiritual communion, and prayer with:

  • Trinitarians, Binitarians & Modalists
  • Idolators (those who use or bow to idols in worship, or pray to anyone other than God, e.g; “Saints”, Mary, angels, etc)
  • Judaizers (those teaching Gentiles [non-Jews] must be circumcised and follow the Mosaic Law to be saved)
  • Esotericsts, Mystics, Gnostics & Kabbalists (those who practice mystical arts or evoke “spiritual visions” to attain so-called “supernatural knowledge”)
  • False prophets (those who have unrepentantly made false prophetic predictions, those claiming to know when the Lord will return, or otherwise claim to be given divine knowledge that contradicts the scriptures)
  • Free Gracers (those who believe and teach one can freely and willfully sin because only faith is needed to be saved, and not obedience to Yeshua’s commands)
  • Pro-homosexual relations practioners or promoters (Christian Believers approving of ‘non-repentant’ gay sex acts)
  • Extremists, Fundamentalists & Hate Groups (“Christians” who promote hate, abuse or judgement toward others, ie; homophobes, transphobes, misogynists, “agressive bible-bashers/thumpers“, anti-semites, etc)
  • Univeralists (those mixing and matching different religions together with the Christian faith)
  • Willingly unrepentant sinners of the Faith (Believing Christians who refuse to repent, and choose to live in active sin)
  • Cult leaders (those who claim to be God’s “chosen one” and try to unquestionably rule over their flock)

Preferred Bible Translations

My preferred Bible translations typically vary depending on the rendition of the verses cited and if I personally believe they are accurate enough to the original Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic manuscripts.

However, the typical Bible translations I lean toward using in my articles generally, are the Berean Standard Bible, English Standard Version, and 2001 Translation Project Bible (which is an ongoing volunteer based online Bible translation project, which still needs much work and correction – and hence I only currently recomend it for supplementary research purposes in conjunction with other translations and interlinear checking).

No matter what translation I quote, in my citations I usually aim to translate words accordingly to their original and literal historical meaning, and with inclusion of the Divine Name where appropriate (ie; Christ = Anointed, Angel = Messenger, LORD = YHWH, etc), lest I’m citing a specific version in its original form from its authors for the sake of scholarly comparisons of translations.

I also aim to hyperlink all my scriptural citations to external Bible websites such as BibleGateway or BibleHub, so readers also can check the selected verses in a translation of their own choice.


In any case, I hope that gives you a general grounding about me and what this site is about, and hopefully you can find something here worth your while.

I pray our God’s blessings be with you in your search of truth, and thank you for taking the time to visit this site.

My Current Theological Stances

(Feel free to contact me here)

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