Chinese Witnesses of Yeshua’s Resurrection?

“Yeshua answered, ‘Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up again.’… Yeshua was speaking about the temple of His body”. John 2:19,21 It is often thought that the Gospel accounts are the only line of written evidence or claim of the resurrection of Yeshua. Though we have internal reasons to trustContinue reading “Chinese Witnesses of Yeshua’s Resurrection?”

“The Nazareth Inscription”: Evidence of Yeshua’s Resurrection?

Introduction All Christians and many non-Christians are familiar with the account of Yeshua’s resurrection in the Gospels. In fact, it is one of the cornerstones of the Christian faith, for the 1st Century Disciples, and billions of Christians ever since, it was an affirmation that he was truly the son of God, and that heContinue reading ““The Nazareth Inscription”: Evidence of Yeshua’s Resurrection?”

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