The Nicene Creed & Protestant Hypocrisy

In my experience of engaging Trinitarian apologists in all corners of the field, I have come across all kinds of arguments, from scriptural to philosophical… However, one of the strangest apologetics I have found comes from many Protestants, in that many of them often accuse non-trinitarians of blaspheming and rejecting the Nicene creed, as theirContinue reading “The Nicene Creed & Protestant Hypocrisy”

“Why Don’t you be a Jew or Muslim Instead?”

After a somewhat rough night of sleep, I had yet again awoken to an email alert of another Trinitarian critic online. This one approached me, saying: “Why would you want to be an Arian, I don’t understand Arian Christianity at all, if you don’t believe Jesus is God, then you should be a Jew orContinue reading ““Why Don’t you be a Jew or Muslim Instead?””

Why Are So Many “Cults” Non-Trinitarian?

Why are so many Christian cults, high control groups, and other strange fringe movements, so often non-trinitarian? In a world where the Trinity doctrine, or other similar Christologies confessing to the full co-equal and co-eternal Deity of the Son Yeshua is mainstream dogma, coming across non-trinitarian groups is naturally going to be far more rare,Continue reading “Why Are So Many “Cults” Non-Trinitarian?”

Is Yeshua God? Part II.I: LORD or Lord?

LORD or Lord? As a continuation of the section on the “Ambiguous Scriptures” and matters of translation, we’ll be looking more in depth at whether Yeshua is being called “THE LORD” or just “Lord”. Title Or Name? Throughout the Bible, in our English translations, you’ll find the phrase “Lord” rendered in one of two ways.Continue reading “Is Yeshua God? Part II.I: LORD or Lord?”

Pre-Nicene Non-Trinitarian Patristic Quotes

Introduction Throughout the early years of Christianity post the times of the death of the Apostles, there have been many writings which consist of apologetics and theological works amongst several Christian writers before the 4th Century A.D, who later became known to be prominent theologians through their works down to this day. These writings areContinue reading “Pre-Nicene Non-Trinitarian Patristic Quotes”

Can We Pray to Yeshua?

Introduction Whilst the Bible has never attributed the word “pray” or “prayer” to Yeshua (Jesus), some Christians consider it appropriate to pray to Yeshua alongside the Father. Others, however, find that this is not acceptable. Both sides of the argument have scriptures asserted to support these notions. The Gospel Basis Many make the case ofContinue reading “Can We Pray to Yeshua?”

Is Yeshua God? Part VII: My Personal Convictions & Conclusion

A Conclusive Review of the Paradigms Coming to a conclusion on matters, we have seen that the scriptures have many passages which both liken Yeshua as one and the same as YHWH God, and many passages which indicate he is a completely different and subordinate being. The conclusion to such matters, is not simple asContinue reading “Is Yeshua God? Part VII: My Personal Convictions & Conclusion”

Is Yeshua God? Part VI: If Not God, Who or What is The Real Yeshua?

As we have seen much evidence to support the notion that Yeshua is not God, some may in turn ask; “if Yeshua is not God, then what is his role in our faith? In what way is he important if he is less than God?”. In this it is important to understand Yeshua’s actual roleContinue reading “Is Yeshua God? Part VI: If Not God, Who or What is The Real Yeshua?”

Is Yeshua God? Part V: Ramifications & Contradictions

Though, as aforementioned, one may try to interpret portions of scripture to claim Yeshua to be God, we have to be wary of the ramifcations on the Gospel as a whole. We have many important questions to ask upon the implications of Yeshua’s identity. Many such ramifications it would appear, cause complete contradictions throughout theContinue reading “Is Yeshua God? Part V: Ramifications & Contradictions”

Is Yeshua God? Part IV: Applying the “Opposing” Framework

Applying The “Opposing” Framework We’ve so far covered the framework in which is asserted to try and support Yeshua being God. What about applying the “against Yeshua’s Godship” framework? As we can see, we certainly have many scriptures for it. These verses tell us that Yeshua: But what about the scriptures used to support theContinue reading “Is Yeshua God? Part IV: Applying the “Opposing” Framework”

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